Teacher Services

The MidPointe Library System provides many services and materials to support classroom teachers, home school parents and other caregivers.
In addition to a varied collection of library materials, we offer Teacher Collections (request here), tours and visits, and professional resources. Additionally, computers, free wi-fi and other electronic products are available.

Teacher Collections

Library staff will select a collection of age/grade appropriate materials on a specific topic for use in your classroom. To request this service, you must have a valid Teacher Card and work within the MidPointe Library System service area. Find a form to request a teacher collection here.

Library Tours

We welcome visits and offer tours to daycares, schools and home schooling families. Staff may provide a storytime, building tour, and instruction on the library catalog. Call your local branch to schedule your group’s tour.

Teacher Cards

To complement school and home curriculums the MidPointe Library System offers a special card to home and school educators. Teachers and home school parents may apply for this card at any location. Find out more about Teacher Cards and other services we provide to schools and groups here

Who is eligible for a Teacher Card?

    • Teachers at public or private schools.
    • Head preschool and day care teachers.
    • Home educators.
    • State certified day care providers.

What are the benefits?

    • Materials can be checked out for 6 weeks rather than 3 weeks.
    • Up to 100 items can be checked out at once.
    • Materials can be renewed once.
    • Your teacher card can be used at all MidPointe locations.
    • Educators teaching within the MidPointe Library System service area may request Teacher Collections.

What are the responsibilities?

    • Teachers are responsible for their own cards.
    • You will be charged for damaged items.
    • Materials more than 21 days late are considered lost, and you will be charged the cost of the item.
    • Fees exceeding $50 for lost or damaged material are subject to referral to collection agency action.

How do I get a Teacher Card?

    • You can apply for a Teacher Card at any MidPointe location.
    • You will need photo identification and proof of your current address.
    • You will need another piece of identification to verify current teaching status.
      Examples of acceptable identification would include the following:
      • Identification badges with job title and school year
      • Letter from administrator, principal, or director
      • Paycheck stub or home school letter of exemption

What can I check out?

    • Books
    • Magazines
    • DVDs
    • Wonderbooks & Vox Books

Can I place holds on materials?

    • You may place holds in the Library and through our website, www.MidPointeLibrary.org.
    • Holds placed using your Teacher Card must be checked out on your Teacher Card.
    • Holds placed using your personal card must be checked out on your personal card.
    • 50 holds are permitted at any one time.

Does my card expire?

    • Teacher Cards expire annually on August 1.
    • To renew a card, current educator verification is again required, and both your teacher and personal cards must be in good standing.

Please keep in mind:

    • Because our collections are limited in some subjects, the Library may limit the number of books checked out to ensure that information about a particular subject is available for other borrowers.
    • The Library is pleased to offer this special service to area educators and asks your cooperation by returning materials on time and in good condition.
    • Please note, items checked out on a Teacher Card are not applicable for auto renewal.
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