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Literature and Books

Most of these premium materials are available from home, work, or school (unless otherwise noted) in addition to the library. When connecting to the research databases remotely, you will need your library card number and PIN.

American & English Literature: Works of American and English literature; includes fiction, poetry, plays, and the Bible.

Explora: Multidisciplinary database designed for student research.

Literary Reference Source: Literary criticism on specific works and authors from around the world, representing all time periods and all types of writing.

LOTE4Kids: Books for children in a wide variety of world languages.

NoveList Plus: Reading suggestion resource that connects readers to their next book by making recommendations for what to read next.

NoveList K-8 Plus: Reading suggestion resource for young readers that connects readers to their next book by making recommendations for what to read next.

Something About The Author: Online version of the Gale reference set that provides biographical information on authors.

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